Tribute Facial Hair
Tribute Facial Hair Sideburns, Designed to fit everyone!
Tribute facial hair and sideburns were handmade with great care. They will last a long time if properly maintained. Once in place correctly, the sideburn hair will look natural.
We have a small selection of the sideburns in the images below, but also check out our portfolio for more examples. You can also see how these can be styled and maintained in our videos here on the website or on our Youtube channel.
Since everyone’s face is different, we made the Tribute facial hair sideburns large enough to fit anyone. In some cases the sideburns may need to be trimmed down to fit your face.

This is an easy process that can be done one of two ways:
Method 1:
- Turn the sideburns over to the side with no hair (lace side up)
- Pin the sideburns to your Styrofoam/ Canvas head
- With a lip liner draw a straight line down the back and the bottom
- Take a sharp razor blade (like grandpa used in his shaver), available at any drug store
- Gently and slowly, cut the lace only, following the stencil you made
- Place the sideburns on your face to see how they look
- Repeat this process, if necessary. GO SLOWLY! Two or three cut downs is better than cutting them too small!
- Comb the sideburn hair out by combing straight down
Method 2:
- Take a piece of thin paper. Draw your ideal sideburn shape and cut the paper out as a stencil
- Be generous on your first design
- Turn your sideburns over to the side with no hair, lace side up
- Pin the side burn to your Styrofoam/ Canvas head
- Pin the cutout to your Styrofoam/ Canvas head and ensure this is very secure
- Take a sharp razor blade (like grandpa used in his shaver) available at any drug store
- Gently and slowly, cut the lace, tracing out the cut-out you made with the razor
- Place on face to see how it fits
- Repeat process. GO SLOWLY! 2 or 3 cuts down is better than cutting them too small!!
- Comb the sideburn hair out by combing straight down
Using your Tribute facial hair sideburns
- Place sideburn on your face. Using a light flesh coloured lip or eye liner, lightly trace out where the sideburn will ultimately lay (this is your guide when reattaching the burns).
- Attach tribute facial hair sideburn (lace facing out) to a Styrofoam head or another anchor and pin in centre of sideburn.
- Be certain lace is dry before applying the tape. Blow dry lace area using medium heat for 15-30 seconds.
- Cut a piece of tape from your roll – approximately the length of your sideburn.
- Now cut that piece in half lengthwise. You now have 2 slender pieces of tape to shape around the burn. This will give you lots of hold and be easy to clean.
- Apply a piece of tape to the edge of the sideburn and lightly press into place Remove the backing. Now, continue to tape the sideburn along the edge of the perimeter leaving the backing on. Overlap the tape slightly as you go around the sideburn. This will make it easier when you are removing the tapes backing and clean up.
- Lightly press the tape into lace.
- Once you’re sure you have the tape stuck on to the lace, start pealing the backing from the tape.
- Using a mirror find the sideburn guide you drew in step 1. Take the sideburn in your hand.
- Starting at the top of the sideburn slowly put it in place, make sure you’re on the guideline. Once on securely you can fluff up the sideburn with a comb or your fingers.
Show is done… we are ready to remove our sideburns.
- Take your “Lace release” dabber and apply it along the hair side of the sideburn on your face.
- Tap the liquid in with your finger and make sure it wets the adhesive underneath, it could take anywhere from 30 seconds to three minutes for the adhesive to loosen.
- Do not force the sideburns off of your face let the lace release do it’s job.
- Remove the sideburns once they come off really easy with no resistance.
- If done correctly the tape should still be stuck on your face, peel the tape off if you used glue roll the glue off your skin then apply more lace release to the skin or 99% alcohol to remove any residual adhesive.
- Pin the sideburns to the mannequin head right away, then allow to air dry. The lace release has no oils and will evaporate quickly so not need to wash the burns.
- Your sideburns will need to be restyled once in a while. You can sent them back to us and for a $30.00 charge, we will wash, set and restyle them or, you can choose to wash, set and style them back into style yourself.
Tribute facial hair sideburns are designed to withstand the rigours of a busy tour schedule. Please follow the maintenance steps we have on our “How To’s” and they will continue to shine.