Our monthly payment plans ensure you always look your best without the hassle of pay as you go.
Members who receive systems through our program will have a repaired system available in case of an emergency. Colour services on the current system are included with your monthly plan and 10-15% off products.
Please Note:
All prices are subject to applicable sales taxes. All hair systems come with 4″ hair length. There will be an additional charge for longer hair.
$32450 cdnmonthly
- Affordable providing basic requirements
- 3 systems per year
- 12 Services
- 10% off products
$38250 cdnmonthly
- Great benefits and monthly services
- 4 systems per year
- 12 Services
- 10% off products
$42500 cdnmonthly
- Great package driving amazing benefits
- 5 systems per year
- 12 Services
- 15% off products
$47185 cdnmonthly
- The very best, always look amazing
- 6 systems per year
- 12 Services
- 15% off products